Nebbiolo grapes are grown primarily in the Piedmonte region of Italy where they can produce great wines. Nebbiolo has complex flavors and aromas, including roses, cherries, truffles, and mints. There can even be hints of tar, tobacco, and leather. Other characteristics of wine made from Nebbiolo grapes include high tannins, high acidity, and high alcohol content. Nebbiolo wines take on orange tinges when they are aged.
Nebbiolo d’Alba DOC red wines, however, require only 1 year of aging, compared to a minimum of 3 years for Barolo and 2 years for Barbersco wines. Nebbiolo d’Alba wines are well regarded and viewed as lighter versions of those from Barolo and Barbersco. Although most of the wines produced here are still and dry, DOC rules permit sweet and spumante versions as well.
*-denominazione di origine controllata (D.O.C.; from specified areas and grape varieties).